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Integration Guide

Learn more about how DOKU Sub Account can help you Power up your online payments here.

Integration steps

Here is the overview of how to integrate with DOKU Sub Account:

  1. Create Account
  2. Accept Payment
  3. Send Payout
  4. Transfer Intra Sub Account
  5. Get Balance

1. Create Account

To create the account, you will need to hit this API through your Backend:

API Request

API endpoint (Sandbox)
API endpoint (Production)

Here is the sample of request header to create the payment:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Request Header Explanation
Client-IdClient ID retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Request-IdUnique random string (max 128 characters) generated from merchant side to protect duplicate request
Request-TimestampTimestamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 UTC+0 format. It means to proceed transaction on UTC+7 (WIB), merchant need to subtract time with 7. Ex: to proceed transaction on September 22th 2020 at 08:51:00 WIB, the timestamp should be 2020-09-22T01:51:00Z
SignatureSecurity parameter that needs to be generated on merchant Backend and placed to the header request to ensure that the request is coming from valid merchant. Please refer to this section to generate the signature

Here is the sample of request body to create the account:

"account": {
"email": "",
"type": "STANDARD",
"name": "nama2"
Request Body Explanation
account.emailstringMandatoryEmail identifier for your partner account
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 40
account.typestringMandatoryType of account. Available Values: Default, Standard
Allowed chars: alphabetic
Max Length: 20
account.namestringMandatoryYour partner name
Allowed chars: alphabetic
Max Length: 100

API Response

After hitting the above API request, DOKU will give the response.

HTTP Status201

Here is the sample response header:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Response-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=1jap2tpgvWt83tG4J7IhEwUrwmMt71OaIk0oL0e6sPM=
Response Header Explanation
Client-IdSame as the request
Request-IdSame as the request
Response-TimestampTimestamp Response on UTC with format ISO8601 UTC+0 from DOKU
SignatureSignature generated by DOKU based on the response body

Here is the sample of response body:

"account": {
"created_date": "2021-08-04T18:19:00.046085+07:00",
"updated_date": "2021-08-04T18:19:00.046085+07:00",
"name": "nama2",
"email": "",
"type": "STANDARD",
"status": "PENDING",
"id": "SAC-9914-1628075940045"

Response Body Explanation
account.created_datestringMandatoryTimestamp when the account was created
account.updated_datestringMandatoryTimestamp when the account was updated
account.namestringMandatorySame as the request
account.emailstringMandatorySame as the request
account.typestringMandatorySame as the request
account.statusstringMandatorySub Account status. In this state, it should be PENDING
account.idstringMandatoryID of your Sub Account, use this id to create transactions on behalf of your Partner

2. Accept Payment

To accept payment add this additional_info.account object into your payment request.

"additional_info": {
"account": {
"id": “SAC-11111111
Request Header Explanation
additional_info.accountstringMandatoryInclude this object for routing the payment
additional_info.account.idstringMandatoryID of your Account, use this to create transactions on behalf of your Account
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 40

Sample Usage

Let's assume you are using the DOKU Direct integration. You can simply add these parameters into your API Initiate Payment:

"order": {
"invoice_number": "INV-20210124-0001",
"amount": 150000
"virtual_account_info": {
"expired_time": 60,
"reusable_status": false,
"info1": "Merchant Demo Store",
"info2": "Thank you for shopping",
"info3": "on our store"
"customer": {
"name": "Anton Budiman",
"email": ""
"additional_info": {
"account": {
"id": “SAC-11111111

3. Send Payout

You can request to send money from your accounts balance account for any disbursement purpose e.g: withdrawal, refund, paying vendor/supplier, etc

API Request

API endpoint (Sandbox)
API endpoint (Production)

Here is the sample of request header to create the payment:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Request Header Explanation
Client-IdClient ID retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Request-IdUnique random string (max 128 characters) generated from merchant side to protect duplicate request
Request-TimestampTimestamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 UTC+0 format. It means to proceed transaction on UTC+7 (WIB), merchant need to subtract time with 7. Ex: to proceed transaction on September 22th 2020 at 08:51:00 WIB, the timestamp should be 2020-09-22T01:51:00Z
SignatureSecurity parameter that needs to be generated on merchant Backend and placed to the header request to ensure that the request is coming from valid merchant. Please refer to this section to generate the signature

Here is the sample of request body for payouts:

"amount": 20000,
"bank_account_name":"Ria Florensi"
Request Body Explanation
account.idstringMandatoryThe source of the payout
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 40
payout.amountstringMandatoryPayout amount
Allowed chars: numeric
Max Length: 12
payout.invoice_numberstringMandatoryA unique reference for this Payout. Use this to reconcile your payout.
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 100
beneficiary.bank_codestringMandatorySWIFT CODE Bank Destination
Allowed chars: alphabetic
Max Length: 12
beneficiary.bank_account_numberstringMandatoryBeneficiary Bank Account Number
Allowed chars: numeric
Max Length: 40
beneficiary.bank_account_namestringMandatoryBeneficiary Bank Account Name
Allowed chars: alphabetic
Max Length: 40

API Response

After hitting the above API request, DOKU will give the response.

HTTP Status200

Here is the sample response header:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Response-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=1jap2tpgvWt83tG4J7IhEwUrwmMt71OaIk0oL0e6sPM=
Response Header Explanation
Client-IdSame as the request
Request-IdSame as the request
Response-TimestampTimestamp Response on UTC with format ISO8601 UTC+0 from DOKU
SignatureSignature generated by DOKU based on the response body

Here is the sample of response body:

"account": {
"id": "SAC-123-111111"
"amount": 20000,
"invoice_number": “INV/123/11,
"status": “SUCCESS”,
"created":2021-08-06 15:18:06.820153+07:00
"bank_code": “BNINIDJA”,
"bank_account_number": 1234567,
"bank_account_name": “Ria Florensi”
Response Body Explanation
account.idstringMandatorySame as request
payout.amountstringMandatorySame as request
payout.invoice_numberstringMandatorySame as request
payout.statusstringMandatoryPayout status
payout.createdstringMandatoryTimestamp when Payout was created
beneficiary.bank_codestringMandatorySame as request
beneficiary.bank_account_numberMandatorystringSame as request
beneficiary.bank_account_nameMandatorystringSame as request

4. Transfer Intra Sub Account

The Transfers API allows you to transfer balances between your accounts.

API Request

API endpoint (Sandbox)
API endpoint (Production)

Here is the sample of request header to create the payment:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Request Header Explanation
Client-IdClient ID retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Request-IdUnique random string (max 128 characters) generated from merchant side to protect duplicate request
Request-TimestampTimestamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 UTC+0 format. It means to proceed transaction on UTC+7 (WIB), merchant need to subtract time with 7. Ex: to proceed transaction on September 22th 2020 at 08:51:00 WIB, the timestamp should be 2020-09-22T01:51:00Z
SignatureSecurity parameter that needs to be generated on merchant Backend and placed to the header request to ensure that the request is coming from valid merchant. Please refer to this section to generate the signature

Here is the sample of request body for payouts:

"origin" : "SAC-0000-0000000000001",
"destination" : "SAC-8014-1628130619289",
"amount" : 10000,
"invoice_number" : "INV/7274812"
Request Body Explanation
transfer.originstringMandatoryThe source of the Transfer
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 40
transfer.destinationstringMandatoryThe destination of the Transfer
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 40
transfer.amountstringMandatoryTransfer amount
Allowed chars: numeric
Max Length: 12
transfer.invoice_numberstringMandatoryA unique reference for this Payout. Use this to reconcile your payout.
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max Length: 100

API Response

After hitting the above API request, DOKU will give the response.

HTTP Status200

Here is the sample response header:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Response-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=1jap2tpgvWt83tG4J7IhEwUrwmMt71OaIk0oL0e6sPM=
Response Header Explanation
Client-IdSame as the request
Request-IdSame as the request
Response-TimestampTimestamp Response on UTC with format ISO8601 UTC+0 from DOKU
SignatureSignature generated by DOKU based on the response body

Here is the sample of response body:

"transfer": {
"invoice_number": "INV/7274812",
"origin": "SAC-0000-0000000000001",
"destination": "SAC-8014-1628130619289",
"amount": 10000,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"created": "2021-08-06 15:18:06.820153+07:00"
Response Body Explanation
transfer.invoice_numberstringMandatorySame as request
transfer.originstringMandatorySame as request
transfer.destinationstringMandatorySame as request
transfer.amountstringMandatorySame as request
transfer.createdstringMandatoryTimestamp when Payout was created

5. Get Balances

Get Balance API allows you to retrieve the balance of your available and pending balance

API Request

API endpoint (Sandbox){account_id}
API endpoint (Production){account_id}

Here is the sample of request header to get balance:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Request Header Explanation
Client-IdClient ID retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Request-IdUnique random string (max 128 characters) generated from merchant side to protect duplicate request
Request-TimestampTimestamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 UTC+0 format. It means to proceed transaction on UTC+7 (WIB), merchant need to subtract time with 7. Ex: to proceed transaction on September 22th 2020 at 08:51:00 WIB, the timestamp should be 2020-09-22T01:51:00Z
SignatureSecurity parameter that needs to be generated on merchant Backend and placed to the header request to ensure that the request is coming from valid merchant. Please refer to this section to generate the signature

API Response

After hitting the above API request, DOKU will give the response.

HTTP Status200

Here is the sample response header:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e
Response-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=1jap2tpgvWt83tG4J7IhEwUrwmMt71OaIk0oL0e6sPM=
Response Header Explanation
Client-IdSame as the request
Request-IdSame as the request
Response-TimestampTimestamp Response on UTC with format ISO8601 UTC+0 from DOKU
SignatureSignature generated by DOKU based on the response body

Here is the sample of response body:

"balance": {
"pending": "600000",
"available": "1700500"
Response Body Explanation
balance.pendingstringMandatoryThe balance remaining in your pending balance
balance.availablestringMandatoryThe balance remaining in your available balance